We form part of a global network of interdisciplinary scientists at the intersection of environmental history and policy.

Martin Bauch
Martin Bauch is a medievalist and environmental historian, he researches human-environment interactions (climate, disease, infrastructures) in pre-modern Europe from a global perspective.

Georgina Endfield
Georgina Enfield's research focuses on a range of environmental and climate history and historical climatology projects over the past two decades. Her expertise is in the use of historical records and sources for the reconstruction of climate variability over time and she has drawn on a variety of sources and oral history approaches to investigate the histories of climate variability.

Piotr Guzowski
Piotr Guzowski is an historian and leader of research teams on historical demography and economic history. He also works on human-environment interaction in the preindustrial period.

John Haldon
John Haldon is a medieval historian and archaeologist and heads up Princeton’s Climate Change and History Research Initiative. His research focus is on historical societal resilience and sustainability, state formation, and resource management in pre-modern state systems.

Adam Izdebski
Adam Izdebski is a historian and leads permanent and ad hoc cross-disciplinary teams studying interactions of pandemics, climate, ecosystem and social change in Europe during the last 3000 years.

Kate de Luna
Kate de Luna is an historian cross-trained in archaeology and historical linguistics. She leads and collaborates with several interdisciplinary teams that produce archives (archaeological, paleoclimatological, linguistic, paleogenomic) to study human-environment-climate interactions in Africa during the Holocene.

Sarah Metcalfe
Sarah Metcalfe is a geographer working on interdisciplinary approaches to climate change, climate change impacts, adaptation and resilience with a particular focus on Mesoamerica.

Lee Mordechai
Lee Mordechai is an historian and his research focuses on extreme events (e.g. pandemics, earthquakes) in premodernity, particularly in the eastern Mediterranean. His research is also interested in the mutual influences between present and past, and on learning from history.

Neil Roberts
Neil Robert's is a palaeoscientist whose research lies in the reconstruction of past interactions between climate and people, along with the landscape transformations brought about by human activities from Neolithic to Medieval times.

Eleonora Rohland
Eleonora Rohland is a professor of colonial history in the Americas and the Caribbean, exploring how unequal colonial societies have adapted to climatic extreme events over the long-term, focussing in particular on risk perception, political vulnerability, and the path dependence of decision-making.

Erika Weiberg
Erika Weiberg is an archaeologist and conducts interdisciplinary and collaborative research into long-term human-environment dynamics in the Aegean area from the Neolithic to the Roman period.

Fiona Williamson
Fiona Williamson is a historian whose research interests lies in environmental history, climate history, history of meteorology and extreme weather, British colonial history, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Elena Xoplaki
Elena Xoplaki is an expert on climate variability and change in the past, present and future with spatial focus on the greater Mediterranean region. She conducts multi- and interdisciplinary research and promotes collaboration between humanities, social and natural sciences on an international level.

Dagomar Degroot
Dagomar Degroot, Georgetown University is an associate professor of environmental history and co-director of the Climate History Network and HistoricalClimatology.com, co-host of the popular podcast Climate History. He has shared the unique perspectives of the past with policymakers, corporate leaders, and journalists in many countries, from Wuhan to Washington, DC.

Cecilia G. Flocco
Cecilia Flocco is a biochemist, a biotechnologist, and an environmental policy advisor working at the intersection of life sciences with cultural heritage research. She is the scientific coordinator of the integrative biodiversity research program at the Leibniz Institute DSMZ, where she studies the interactions of microbial communities in niche environments, from Antarctic lands to medieval manuscripts.

Sabina Fiołna
Sabina Fiołna is the administrative coordinator of the EnvHist4P network. A classicist and ancient historian, interested in environmental history and complexity science, focusing on long-term changes in Anatolia.